Some Views on Vietnam Melamine Paper Board

Views : 10815
Author : Even Decor
Update time : 2023-07-06 10:17:32

After 10 years of development, melamine paper board has been accepted by Vietnamese. It also formed a complete industry chain in Vietnam (plain board--impregnation--lamination).

Due to the traffic restrictions, education level of the target crowd, melamine paper furniture has mainly sold in big cities such as Ho Chi Minh / Hanoi, only 33% in whole population. So, there is huge market potential for its rural. Though there are many impregnation and press factories in Vietnam, this industry still lack of technology comprehensiveness, some factories also hire Chinese technician.

Even so, the prospect of Vietnam market is still considerable. One is Urbanization process need to enhance infrastructure. Another one is Vietnam has undertaken China's industry transfer. For example, 10 years ago, PU paper furniture was already made by Vietnam instead of China and exported to Ashley, a super furniture brand in USA. These years,
melamine paper furniture even plywood industry transfer is also on process. It benefits from Us anti-dumping policy on Chinese products and rich wooden source in Vietnam.

In Vietnam, melamine paper board is mainly moisture-proof  MDF,  chipboard is not popular in the local market. Most local customers prefer MDF than chipboard. But plywood,due to its moisture-proof and more nature feeling and structure, will occupy a certain amount in the high end market and some wet environment✅. If we refer to the Middle East, traditional 4*8 size MDF was still popular in the earlier stage, as to chipboard, 7*9 size application is starting in later stage.

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